§ 47-1-5.1 - Fees and compensation of director of labor and training.
SECTION 47-1-5.1
§ 47-1-5.1 Fees and compensation ofdirector of labor and training. (a) The director of the department of labor and training shall, in any town orcity without a town or city sealer, or in a case where a sealer is notavailable or his or her deputy, or when sufficient equipment has not beenprovided for by the town or city for a sealer to properly perform his or herduties, for a period not to exceed three (3) months in any one year, testand/or approve any weighing, measuring, or balancing apparatus, and shallreceive compensation for testing and/or approving as stated herein. Everymechanical, electronic, or other scale with NETP certification with a capacityof less than thirty-five (35) pounds a fee of twelve dollars ($12.00); forevery scale used for the retail sale of precious metals thirty dollars($30.00); for every mechanical, electronic, or other scale with NETPcertification with a capacity of thirty-five (35) pounds to three hundred (300)pounds a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00); for every platform scale with acapacity of three hundred (300) pounds to five thousand (5,000) pounds a fee oftwenty-four dollars ($24.00); and for every platform scale with a capacity overfive thousand (5,000) pounds a fee of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) per hour. Ifany of the scales, balances or gasoline measuring devices with NETPcertification are found to be incorrect, then they shall be so marked and theiruse forbidden until such time as the devices meet the requirements of thatcurrent year edition of NIST Handbook 44. Scales or balances not meeting classstandards, as those often used to weigh people or scales for approximatingweight, can be checked and the fees shall be the same as herein provided forsame weight capacities. For the testing and/or approving of gasoline measuringdevices there shall be a fee of eighteen dollars ($18.00) per test per meter;in the case of a multi-grade dispenser a fee of twelve dollars ($12.00) shallbe charged to verify the price computation mechanism.
(b) The director of the department of labor and trainingshall authorize and direct the testing and/or approving of the apparatus statedherein, from time to time as in the director's judgment it may be deemednecessary to prevent fraud or deception.