§ 47-1-2 - Custody and maintenance of state standards Testing of standards.
SECTION 47-1-2
§ 47-1-2 Custody and maintenance of statestandards Testing of standards. (a) The director of the department of labor and training shall have theexclusive custody and control of the standards so received by the state fromthe United States, which standards shall be kept in a suitable fireproof placeto be provided by the state. The director shall have the oversight of all thestandards furnished by the state to the various towns and cities, and shallkeep a complete list of the standards and shall see that they are kept in goodorder and repair. The director shall also keep the standards belonging to thestate, furnished by the United States, in perfect order, and shall keep acomplete list of the standards, and shall take a receipt for the standards fromhis or her successor in office.
(b) The director may, if he or she deems it desirable, andshall, upon request by private industry and for law enforcement agencies, testany weights, measures, instruments, or mechanical devices of any kind used orintended to be used in standardizing the production of any manufactured articleby controlling processes or by determining the dimensions, proportions, orproperties of materials or products, in determining wages or compensation forlabor performed, in determining the dimensions or capacity of any tank, can, orother container, or in determining the accuracy of any automatic weighing ormeasuring device. When any weight, measure, instrument, or mechanical devicehas been tested and found correct by the director, the director may seal thesame. If the director finds it inaccurate, the director may, in his or herdiscretion, either condemn it or the director may furnish the owner or userwith a certificate indicating the amount and direction of any errors found byhim or her. This section shall not give to the director or his or herinspectors the power to seal any of the devices which are required by law to besealed by local sealers.
(c) The director of the department of labor and trainingshall by regulation establish a fee schedule for services rendered under thissection.