§ 47-1-1.1 - Certification of local sealer required Training provision Renewal and revocation of certificate.
SECTION 47-1-1.1
§ 47-1-1.1 Certification of local sealerrequired Training provision Renewal and revocation ofcertificate. (a) The director of the department of labor and training shall require sealersappointed by a city or town to obtain an annual certificate of training. Thecertificate of training shall cause a sealer of weights and measures to be"certified" . The requirements for the certificate of training shall be set bythe director of the department of labor and training in accordance with thestandards of the metrology laboratory which shall be certified and have weightsand measures standards traceable to the national institute of standards andtechnology, United States Dcpartment of Commerce in Washington, D.C.Appropriate training of appointees from city and town municipalities will beprovided by a certified meteorologist from the department of labor and trainingwith the assistance of professional persons qualified in the field of weightsand measures, and the national training program sponsored by the NationalConference on Weights and Measures. Once certified, sealers shall maintaintheir status by complying with the rules and regulations promulgated and may beassigned by the director of the department of labor and training or his or heragent to assist in the enforcement of applicable laws until such time as thedirector cancels the assignment. A certified sealer assigned to a municipalityby the director of labor and training shall be responsible for the testing andsealing of weighing and measuring apparatus and said compensation as prescribedby § 47-1-5.1. Municipal sealers with tenure of no less than four (4)years shall receive a certificate of training for one year upon passage of thissection.
(b) The director of of the department of labor and trainingis authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and regulations for theadministration of this section, and to set criteria by rules and regulationsfor the revocation of any such training certificate for cause.