§ 46-9-10 - Examination of applicants.
SECTION 46-9-10
§ 46-9-10 Examination of applicants. (a) The commission shall conduct the examination of applicants for pilot'slicenses, at a time and place as it shall, after due notice, direct. It shallexamine the applicants with relation to their qualifications for the office ofpilot. Each applicant shall be examined in particular concerning his or herknowledge of the tides, depths, bearings, and distances of the shoals, rocks,bars, and points of land and night lights in the navigation for which he or sheapplies for a license to act as pilot, and also touching any other matterrelating thereto which the commission may deem proper.
(b) If, upon examination, the commission finds the person soapplying to:
(1) Possess the requisite physical and mental standards;
(2) Be of good character and temperate habits; and
(3) Have sufficient ability, knowledge, aptitude, and skill,and professional experience, and to have satisfied the requisites of §46-9-7, the commission shall grant him or her such class of license to act aspilot as it shall deem advisable.