§ 46-6-2 - Approval of plans for construction of wharves and piers.

SECTION 46-6-2

   § 46-6-2  Approval of plans forconstruction of wharves and piers. – All persons who shall build into or over public tidewaters, by authority of thedepartment or by authority of the general assembly, any wharf, pier, bridge, orother structure, or drive any piles into the land under public tidewater, orfill any flats, shall, before beginning the work, give written notice to thedepartment of environmental management of the work they intend to do, andsubmit plans of any proposed wharf or other structure and of the flats to befilled, and of the mode in which the work is to be performed; and no work shallbe commenced until the plan and mode of performing the work shall be approvedin writing by the director of the department of environmental management; andthe director may alter the plans at his or her discretion and may prescribe thedirection, limits, and mode of building the wharves or other structures;provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair the rightsof any riparian proprietors to erect wharves authorized to be erected under anyof the laws establishing harbor lines within the state or otherwise by thegeneral assembly.