§ 46-6-10 - Removal of obstruction by director Payment of cost.
SECTION 46-6-10
§ 46-6-10 Removal of obstruction bydirector Payment of cost. If the vessel or other obstruction is not removed at or within the timespecified in the notice, and in a manner and to a place satisfactory to thedirector, or if no owner or other person is known to the director upon whom thenotice can be served, the director may proceed to remove the vessel or otherobstruction, or to complete the removal thereof, or to cause the removal to bedone, in such manner and to such place as the director shall deem best; and thenecessary cost and expense of the removal, if not paid by some owner or otherperson liable therefor, shall, when certified by the director, be paid out ofthe treasury of the state out of any money appropriated therefor.