§ 46-6.1-3 - Purpose.

SECTION 46-6.1-3

   § 46-6.1-3  Purpose. – The purposes of this chapter are:

   (1) To establish an integrated, coherent plan for dredgingand dredge material management, which includes beneficial use, dewatering,in-water disposal, and upland disposal as appropriate, that sets forth thestate's program for these activities and provides guidance to persons planningto engage in these activities and to designate the council as the lead agencyfor implementing the purposes of this chapter.

   (2) To provide for coordinated, timely decision-making bystate agencies on applications for dredging, dewatering, and for the beneficialuse and in-water and upland disposal of dredged materials, with the goals ofproviding action, following a determination that the application is complete,on applications for these activities within one hundred eighty (180) days forapplications pertaining to maintenance dredging projects and within fivehundred forty (540) days for expansion projects.

   (3) To establish, for the purposes of this chapter andconsistent with the requirements of the Marine Infrastructure Maintenance Actof 1996, the following in order of priority in planning for and management ofdredged material, depending on the nature and characteristics of the dredgedmaterial and on reasonable cost.

   (i) Beneficial use, including specifically beach nourishmentand habitat restoration and creation, in the coastal zone;

   (ii) Beneficial use in upland areas;

   (iii) Disposal.

   (4) To encourage the development of the infrastructure neededto dewater dredged materials, and to facilitate beneficial use of dredgedmaterials in upland areas.

   (5) To encourage and facilitate the beneficial use of dredgedmaterials by private parties.

   (6) To authorize the establishment of a means of supportingprojects for dewatering dredged material and for beneficial use and disposal ofdredged material at sites above mean high water by the Rhode Island clean waterfinance agency.