§ 46-5-9 - Construction of port facilities Rates for services.
SECTION 46-5-9
§ 46-5-9 Construction of port facilities Rates for services. The director of the department of environmental management may, after theacquirement by the state of any property, tide-flowed lands, flats, terms,easements, privileges, littoral, and riparian rights of any owner or owners,either by purchase or by process of law, proceed to fill, improve, reclaim, anduse any or all of the lands, may build and construct wharves, piers, bulkheads,slips, docks, and basins, and dredge, improve, and deepen the channels andapproaches thereto, and for these purposes may request the division ofpurchases to make contracts for the filling and improvement of the property andlands and for the construction of the wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, docks,and basins, and may, from time to time, employ such persons as may be necessaryin the work of filling and improving the property and land, and theconstruction, repair, and maintenance of the improvements and structurethereof, and when any wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, docks, and basins shallhave been completed by the director under the provisions of this chapter andshall be open to the public use, the director may establish, publish, andregulate the rates and charges for the wharfage, cranage, and dockage of allvessels admitted thereto, and may alter such rates and charges from time totime as the necessities of trade shall require and authorize, and as to thedirector may seem proper.