§ 46-5-16 - Yacht and boat moorings.
SECTION 46-5-16
§ 46-5-16 Yacht and boat moorings. (a) The director of the department of environmental management shall expendsuch funds as are annually appropriated in purchasing, installing, andmaintaining yacht and boat moorings in such harbors in Rhode Island waters ashe or she may deem advisable and suitable.
(b) The sum of five hundred dollars ($500) is hereby annuallyappropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, forthe maintenance of such yacht and boat moorings as the director of thedepartment of environmental management may have installed in the harbors ofNarragansett Bay; and the state controller is hereby authorized and directed todraw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such sum,or so much thereof, as may be required from time to time, upon the receipt byhim or her of vouchers approved by the director of the department ofenvironmental management. The moorings shall be available to the public withoutcharge and particularly for the use of nonresident visiting yachtspersons;provided, however, that the moorings shall not be used for more than twelve(12) hours continuously; and provided, further, however, that the mooringsshall not be used by any commercial or private persons engaging in fishing.
(c) Any person violating any of the provisions of thepreceding sentence shall, upon conviction, be fined twenty-five dollars($25.00) for each offense.