§ 46-4-2 - City and town control of harbors Harbormasters Extension of Providence jurisdiction.
SECTION 46-4-2
§ 46-4-2 City and town control of harbors Harbormasters Extension of Providence jurisdiction. (a) The council of any city or town is hereby authorized and empowered toappoint a harbormaster for the harbors within the confines of the city or town,and to ordain and establish such bylaws and ordinances and establish such feesand compensation as the city council or town council may deem necessary andexpedient for carrying out the provisions of this section; provided, that thejurisdiction, powers, and duties of the harbormaster of the city of Providenceshall include all the public waters westerly of the easterly sides of the shipchannels in Seekonk River, Providence River and Harbor and Narragansett Bayfrom the Pawtucket-Providence city line southerly to the point of intersectionof the ship-channel side with a straight line drawn from Rumstick Point on theeast shore to Rocky Point on the west shore, excluding that area subject tojurisdiction of the city of Cranston, pursuant to the provisions of §46-4-5.1, and all acts of the general assembly and ordinances of the city ofProvidence, now or hereafter passed, relative to the harbor of the city ofProvidence, shall apply to and be in force relative to the public waters.
(b) The council of the town of Little Compton is herebyauthorized and empowered to enact ordinances to regulate or ban the setting oflobster pots, fish nets, or cribs, within the harbor at Little Compton toprevent interference with the use of moorings or navigation therein; provided,further, that all harbormasters shall receive education and training in firstaid and CPR from any entity which is authorized or licensed to conduct thetraining or education; provided, further, that all harbormasters shall attendThe Rhode Island Harbormaster Training Academy.