§ 46-31-8 - Powers of the coordination team.

SECTION 46-31-8

   § 46-31-8  Powers of the coordination team.– (a) In order to accomplish the purposes of this chapter and to effectuate thecoordination required by this chapter, the coordination team is authorized anddirected to exercise the following powers:

   (1) Adopt procedures for the conduct of business as needed tocarry out the provisions of this chapter;

   (2) Request reports from local, state, and federal entitiesor agencies in order to perform their duties as provided for in this chapter;

   (3) Make application for grants, services or other aids asmay be available from public or private sources to finance or assist ineffectuating any purposes or duties as set forth in this chapter, and receiveand accept the same on such terms and conditions as may be required by generallaws;

   (4) Employ the services of other public, nonprofit or privateentities;

   (5) Enter into agreements and into contracts consistent withexisting contracting practices of the department of administration;

   (6) Request assistance from state employees provided thatsuch assistance does not adversely impact the operation of affected agencies;and

   (7) Such other powers as may be necessary or convenient tothe performance of these functions.

   (b) The coordination team may:

   (1) Collect, compile, analyze, interpret, summarize, anddistribute any information relative to Rhode Island's bays, rivers, andwatersheds and the duties of the team, subject to any privileges or legalrequirements of privacy;

   (2) Within available funding, employ any technical experts,other agents, and employees, permanent and temporary, that it may require tocarry out its functions pursuant to this chapter, and determine theirqualifications, duties, and compensation.

   (c) The team may have additional powers granted to it fromtime to time by the legislature as deemed necessary to perform its duties.

   (d) Nothing in this statute shall be construed to grant thecoordination team the authority to impair, derogate or supersedeconstitutional, statutory, regulatory or adjudicatory authority or public trustresponsibilities of any local, state or federal entity.