§ 46-31-6 - Implementation of the systems-level plan.
SECTION 46-31-6
§ 46-31-6 Implementation of thesystems-level plan. (a) The team shall be responsible for coordinating the projects, programs, andactivities necessary to implement the systems-level plan.
(b) In order to facilitate the coordination of theimplementation of the systems-level plan, the team shall prepare an annual workplan. The annual work plan shall prescribe the necessary projects, programs,and activities each member of the team shall perform for the following fiscalyear to implement the systems-level plan. It shall include, but not be limitedto, the systems-level plan priorities, individual work plan elements, andsignificant program products including proposed regulations, grantsolicitations, schedules for production of environmental documents, and projectselection processes. The preparation of the annual work plan shall include anevaluation of any needed revisions to the systems-level plan including changesto the timetable for attaining goals or adaptations in response to the resultsof the monitoring programs.
The first annual work plan shall be prepared for work to becompleted during fiscal year 2007 and each year thereafter.
(c) In preparing an annual work plan the team shallcoordinate the annual work plan activities with other relevant activitiesincluding, but not limited to, those prescribed by other state, local, federal,and non-governmental organization programs.
(d) The team shall prepare a proposed annual work plan budgetfor inclusion in the governor's annual budget as submitted to the generalassembly and for submittal to the speaker of the house of representatives, andthe president of the senate which shall identify the total funds necessary toimplement the annual work plan, including any proposed capital improvements. Itshall also include any recommendations for the allocation of appropriated fundsamong agencies to achieve the purpose of this chapter. The first annual workplan budget shall be prepared for inclusion in the governor's annual budget for2007, as submitted to the general assembly, and each year thereafter.
(e) The team shall hold a minimum of one public hearing eachyear to solicit public comment on the annual work plan and annual work planbudget.
(f) The team shall coordinate with federal agencies todevelop proposed federal agreements to support the implementation of thesystems-level plan.
(g) The team, in consultation with the scientific advisorycommittee, shall be responsible for coordinating the work of any entity thatreceives grants or other funding from the state of Rhode Island for researchrelated to bay, river, and watershed management. The team shall seek toprioritize and direct areas of research in order to meet the goals and policiesestablished by the systems-level plan.
(h) The team may facilitate the resolution of programmaticconflicts that may arise during the implementation of the systems-level planbetween or among members of the team.
(i) The team shall develop a regulatory coordination andstreamlining process for the issuance of permits and approvals required underlocal, state, and federal law as necessary to implement the systems-level planthat reduces or eliminates duplicative permitting processes.
(j) Within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscalyear, the team shall submit a written progress report that describes andevaluates the successes and shortcomings of the implementation of the annualwork plan from the previous fiscal year to the governor, the speaker of thehouse of representatives, and the president of the senate. Where prescribedactions have not been accomplished in accordance with the annual work plan, theresponsible members of the team shall include in the report writtenexplanations for the shortfalls, together with their proposed remedies. Thereport shall also include an evaluation of the progress of the coordinativeefforts and shall include any recommendations regarding modifications to thecomposition of the team, including, but not limited to, the proposed additionof any new members to the team.
(k) Within six (6) months of the completion of thesystems-level plan, the team shall prepare a report and convene a public forumin order to disseminate information about the current condition of theenvironmental health of Rhode Island's bays, rivers, and watersheds; and theeconomic vitality of the water cluster using information collected by theeconomic and environmental monitoring collaboratives.
( l ) Within four (4) years after the completion of thesystems-level plan and every four (4) years thereafter, the team shall preparea report and convene a public forum in order to disseminate information aboutthe current condition of the environmental health of Rhode Island's bays,rivers, and watersheds; and the economic vitality of the water cluster usinginformation collected by the economic and environmental monitoringcollaboratives. The report shall include an evaluation of the progress madetowards attaining the systems-level plan's goals, and an evaluation of anyupdates necessary for the strategies for the economic and environmentalmonitoring programs.