§ 46-31-11 - Plans, reports, budgets, and other documents.
SECTION 46-31-11
§ 46-31-11 Plans, reports, budgets, andother documents. All plans, reports, budgets or other documents required to be produced pursuantto this chapter shall be submitted to the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives, president of the senate, the chairpersons of the house ofrepresentatives and senate finance committees, and the chairpersons of theappropriate house of representatives and senate oversight entities; further,all plans, reports, budgets or other documents required to be produced pursuantto this chapter shall be considered by the house of representatives and senatefinance committees in their current and future budget processes. Adherence tosuch plans, reporting requirements, and budgets and the timely achievement ofgoals contained therein shall be considered by the finance committees and theoversight entities of the house of representatives and senate, among otherrelevant factors, in determining appropriations or other systemic changes.