§ 46-3-19 - Cost of construction Federal assistance.
SECTION 46-3-19
§ 46-3-19 Cost of construction Federal assistance. In the event that the federal government shall make available any funds for allor part of the construction of protective works, as defined in § 46-3-7,the remaining portion of the cost therefor not fully covered by the federalfunds may be borne by the city or town and the state; provided, however, thatthe state's share shall not exceed one-third ( 1/3) of the total cost for theconstruction for the city or town; and, provided, further, however, that in noevent shall the construction commence until the city or town has appropriatedand made available the funds required by the city or town for those purposes,and in that event the city or town may assess the cost thereof as provided in§ 46-3-7.