§ 46-25-6 - Composition of commission Appointment of members.
SECTION 46-25-6
§ 46-25-6 Composition of commission Appointment of members. (a) The commission shall consist of twenty-three (23) members to be appointedin the following manner: ten (10) members shall be appointed by the governorfrom the public as herein provided. Two (2) members shall be appointed by themayor of the city of Providence; one member each shall be appointed by themayor of the town of North Providence, the mayor of the town of Johnston, mayorof the city of Pawtucket, mayor of the town of Cumberland, town administratorof the town of Lincoln, mayor of the city of Central Falls, and mayor of thecity of East Providence. Two (2) members of the house of representatives to beappointed by the speaker, and two (2) members of the senate to be appointed bythe president of the senate.
(b) The appointments to the commission shall be made asfollows:
(1) The governor shall appoint two (2) members of thecommission to serve until the first day of April, 1981, two (2) members toserve until the first day of April, 1982, four (4) members to serve until thefirst day of April, 1983, one member to serve until the first day of April1993, one member to serve until the first day of April 1994, and all to serveuntil their successors are appointed and qualified. In the month of March ineach year thereafter, the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate,shall appoint successors to the members of the commission whose term isexpiring in that year, each member so appointed to hold office for a three (3)year period commencing on the first day of April in the year of appointment andcontinuing until the first day of April in the third year after his or herappointment and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. Anyvacancy for a public member, which may occur in the commission, shall be filledby the governor for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(2) The mayor of the city of Providence shall appoint onemember of the commission to serve until the first day of April, 1982, and onemember to serve until the first day of April, 1983, and all to serve untiltheir successors are appointed and qualified. The mayor of the town of NorthProvidence and the mayor of the town of Johnston each shall appoint a member toserve until the first day of April, 1981, each member so appointed shall serveuntil his or her successor is appointed and qualified. The Mayor of the city ofPawtucket shall appoint one member of the commission to serve until the firstday of April, 1993, and such member so appointed shall serve until his or hersuccessor is appointed and qualified. The town administrator of the town ofLincoln and the mayor of the city of Central Falls shall each appoint onemember of the commission to serve until the first day of April, 1994, and eachmember so appointed shall serve until his or her successor is appointed andqualified. The mayors of the town of Cumberland and the city of East Providenceshall each appoint one member of the commission to serve until the first day ofApril, 1995, and each member so appointed shall serve until his or hersuccessor is appointed and qualified. In the month of March in each yearthereafter, the respective mayors and town administrator shall appoint asuccessor to the member of the commission whose term is expiring, each memberso appointed to hold office for a three (3) year period, commencing on thefirst day of April in the year of appointment and continuing until the firstday of April in the third year after his or her appointment and until his orher successor is appointed and qualified. The legislative members so appointedby the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senateshall hold office for a three (3) year period and until their successor isappointed and qualified. Any vacancy which may occur in the commission shall befilled by the appointing authority who originally appointed the member, and theappointment shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(3) Members of the commission shall be eligible forreappointment.