§ 46-25-3 - Definitions.
SECTION 46-25-3
§ 46-25-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the followingmeanings unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning:
(1) "Administrative penalty" means a monetary penalty not toexceed the civil penalty specified in § 46-25-25.2.
(2) "Commission" means the Narragansett Bay commission.Whenever in any general or public law, reference is made to the "NarragansettBay Water Quality Management District Commission" the reference refers to andmeans the Narragansett Bay Commission.
(3) "Compliance schedule" means a schedule of remedialmeasures including an enforceable sequence of actions, or operations leading tocompliance with an effluent limitation or any other limitation, prohibition, orstandard.
(4) "Fund" means the Narragansett Bay water qualitymanagement district commission fund to be held by the commission.
(5) "Narragansett Bay water quality management district"means and includes:
(i) The city of Providence and those portions of the city ofCranston and portions of the towns of Johnston, North Providence, and Lincolnformerly served by the city of Providence sewage treatment system as well asthe cities of East Providence, Pawtucket, and Central Falls, the towns ofLincoln and Cumberland, and that portion of the town of Smithfield lyingnortheast of the Douglas Pike, also called state route No. 7;
(ii) Any other portions of those municipalities as may byresolution request to be served by the district and which are accepted by thecommission as part of the district; and
(iii) Any other cities or towns or districts in Rhode Islandor portions thereof as may, from time to time, join the district pursuant toagreement with the commission, providing for the acquisition of the sewagetreatment facilities of such city, town, or district, or the merger andconsolidation of such district into the commission, or the management andoperation of the sewage treatment facilities of such city, town or district bythe commission.
(6) "Notes" as used in §§ 46-25-51 46-25-67mean the notes, securities, or other obligations or evidences of indebtednessissued by the commission pursuant to this chapter in anticipation of receivinguser fees or state or federal funds, all of which shall be issued under thename of and known as obligations of the Narragansett Bay water qualitymanagement district.
(7) "Person" means and includes an individual, firm,partnership, association, and private or municipal corporation and federal orstate agencies.
(8) "Pollutant" means the same as defined in § 46-12-1.
(9) "Pollution" means the same as defined in § 46-12-1.
(10) "Project" means the Narragansett Bay water qualitymanagement district project, and shall include the acquisition, ownership,design, operation, construction, repair, rehabilitation, improvement,development, sale, lease or disposition of, or the provision of financing for,any sewage treatment facility.
(11) "Revenue bonds and notes" as used in §§46-25-58 46-25-67, mean and include the bonds, notes, securities, orother obligations or evidences of indebtedness issued by the commissionpursuant to §§ 46-25-58 46-25-67, all of which shall be issuedunder the name of or known as obligations of the Narragansett Bay commissionand shall be secured solely by the revenues provided therein.
(12) "Sewage" means the same as "pollutant" as defined in§ 46-12-1.
(13) "Sewage treatment facilities" means any sewage treatmentplant, structure, combined sewer overflows, equipment, interceptors, mains, andpumping stations, or other property, real, personal, or mixed, for thetreatment, storage, collection, transporting, or disposal of sewage, or anyproperty or system to be used in whole or in part for any of the aforesaidpurposes, or any other property or system incidental to, or which has to dowith, or the end purpose of which is any of the foregoing; provided, however,that the term shall not include any system of lateral sewers within amunicipality.
(14) "Source" means any building, structure, facility, orinstallation from which there is or may be the discharge of pollutants.
(15) "Water supplier" means any person, including a municipalwater department or agency, public water system, special water district, orprivate water company engaged in the distribution of water for potable purposes.