§ 46-24-1 - Definitions.

SECTION 46-24-1

   § 46-24-1  Definitions. – (a) The term "authority" means the corporation created by § 46-24-2.

   (b) The term "board" means the members of the authority.

   (c) The term "participating community" means the towns ofCoventry, West Warwick, and Scituate, and the cities of Warwick and Cranston.

   (d) The term "project" means the Pawtuxet River authorityproject.

   (e) The term "property" means any or all properties of anypublic works facilities or part thereof, including plants, works,instrumentalities, incinerators, waste disposal facilities, and all propertiesused or useful in connection therewith and all parts thereof and allappurtenances thereto, including lands, easements, rights, and lands and waterrights, rights of way, contract rights, franchises, approaches, connections,sewer mains, and pipe lines, or any other property incidental to and includedin any garbage disposal or incinerator system or part thereof situated withinor without the authority's jurisdiction.

   (f) The term "public works" means and include any functionwhich may be performed by any governmental agency, proprietary or otherwise.

   (g) The term "treasurer" means the treasurer of the authority.