§ 46-23.2-5 - The Rhode Island environmental monitoring collaborative Creation.
SECTION 46-23.2-5
§ 46-23.2-5 The Rhode Island environmentalmonitoring collaborative Creation. (a) There is hereby authorized, created and established the "Rhode Islandenvironmental monitoring collaborative" (also known as the "collaborative" )with such powers as are set forth in this chapter, for the purposes oforganizing, coordinating, maintaining and supporting the environmentalmonitoring systems within Narragansett Bay and its watersheds. Thecollaborative shall consist of ten (10) members, one representative from eachof the following: Coastal Institute at the University of Rhode Island ("URI")Bay Campus (chair); coastal resources management council; department ofenvironmental management, water quality; department of environmentalmanagement, fisheries; department of health; URI Watershed Watch; URI GraduateSchool of Oceanography; Narragansett Bay commission; Statewide Planning Program(RIGIS) Division; and URI Environmental Data Center. Members of thecollaborative shall serve without salary but may be paid expenses incurred inthe performance of their duties.
(b) The collaborative shall work with other organizations andagencies that monitor Narragansett Bay and its watersheds to perform the powersand duties established herein. These include, but are not limited to, theEnvironmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency,Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, U.S. GeologicalSurvey, Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, NarragansettBay Estuary Program, Brown University, Roger Williams University, Rhode IslandNatural History Survey, Save the Bay, Rhode Island Sea Grant, URI CooperativeExtension, and the Rhode Island Rivers Council.