§ 46-23.2-2 - Legislative findings.
SECTION 46-23.2-2
§ 46-23.2-2 Legislative findings. (a) The general assembly finds and declares that there is a need for a marinemonitoring system in the state that is capable of:
(1) Measuring the changing conditions in the functionalityand health of the waters of the state, including, but not limited to,Narragansett Bay and its watersheds, with one purpose being identifying andpredicting potential problems in the marine habitat;
(2) Providing a central database via the internet to storemonitoring data and disseminate the analysis of this data to decision-makersand the public;
(3) Establishing a mechanism to coordinate and makeconsistent, monitoring efforts between government agencies, municipalities,nonprofit organizations and universities; and
(4) Providing the comprehensive data needed to assess asudden perturbation in the marine environment and to contribute to efforts ofdisaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery as defined in chapter15 of title 30 entitled "The Rhode Island Emergency Management Act."
(b) The general assembly recognizes and declares that thehealth of the waters of the state, including, but not limited to, NarragansettBay and its watersheds needs to be monitored comprehensively on a long-termbasis in order to be proactive in planning and responsive to potential problemsin the marine environment. The availability of consistent environmental datasupport systems level planning and provides resource managers, decision-makersand citizens with information on how marine habitats are responding tomanagement programs and what adjustments need to be made to existing programsor what new programs must be implemented to achieve a healthy marineenvironment.
(c) The general assembly recognizes the need for anintegrated mechanism by which individual monitoring efforts can be coordinatedand managed as a system in which the functionality of Narragansett Bay and itswatersheds is measured and individual planning and management efforts areadjusted to respond to the needs of this marine environment.