§ 46-23.1-5 - The Rhode Island coastal and estuarine habitat restoration program Established.
SECTION 46-23.1-5
§ 46-23.1-5 The Rhode Island coastal andestuarine habitat restoration program Established. (a) The council shall develop and implement a coastal and estuarine habitatrestoration program for the state of Rhode Island. The program shall consist ofthe following elements and perform the listed tasks:
(1) Develop a statewide coastal and estuarine habitatrestoration strategy. Within one year of enactment [June 13,2002], the program, with the assistance from the technical advisorycommittee, shall adopt a statewide coastal and estuarine habitat restorationplan that provide for the conservation and restoration of the state's coastaland estuarine habitats. The plan shall be developed with comprehensive public,agency, legislative and stakeholder participation, and shall include thefollowing elements:
(i) A description of the state's coastal and estuarinehabitats, including a consideration of their importance to the economy, ecologyand quality of life in the state and in local communities;
(ii) Quantitative and qualitative restoration goalspertaining to coastal wetlands, eelgrass beds, and anadromous fish runs;
(iii) An inventory of coastal and estuarine restorationprojects, along with criteria for prioritizing and selecting projects forimplementation;
(iv) A projected comprehensive budget and timeline necessaryto accomplish the goals of the plan;
(v) Identification of municipal, state, federal, private, orother funding and resources to assist in the development or implementation ofthe plan;
(vi) An outreach element to educate municipal officials,civic and nonprofit organizations, educational institutions and the generalpublic about the availability of restoration grants; and
(vii) Provisions for updating the plan and project inventoryperiodically.
(i) The program shall establish and execute an annual processfor the solicitation, evaluation and award of restoration grants for projectsthat seek to restore coastal and estuarine habitats. The technical advisorycommittee or a subcommittee of it shall serve as an advisory board to thecouncil and the program staff throughout this process. Entities qualified toapply for and receive grants for design, planning, construction or monitoringunder this section include all of the following: cities and towns; anycommittee, board, or commission chartered by a city or town; nonprofitcorporations; civic groups, educational institutions; and state agencies.
(ii) The program shall submit to the governor and the generalassembly during annual budget preparations a list of restoration projectproposals that have received a positive review by the technical advisorycommittee and require funds from the trust to proceed with design, planning,construction or monitoring during the ensuing year.
(b) Nothing contained in this section is intended to abrogateor effect the existing powers of the department of environmental management orthe coastal resources management council.