§ 46-22.1-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 46-22.1-2
§ 46-22.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words have the meanings indicated:
(1) "Amphibious vehicle" means a vehicle which may bepropelled both on water and land.
(2) "Certificate" means any certificate of title issued.
(3) "Dealer" means any person who engages in whole or in partin the business of buying, selling, or exchanging new and unused vessels, orused vessels, or both, either outright or on conditional sale, bailment, lease,chattel mortgage, or otherwise, and who has an established place of businessfor the sale, trade, and display of vessels. A yacht broker is a dealer.
(4) "Department" means the department of environmentmanagement.
(5) "Director" means the director of the department ofenvironmental management.
(6) "Documentation papers" means those papers issued to adocumented vessel by the United States Coast Guard or any federal agencysuccessor thereto.
(7) "Documented vessel" means a vessel which has validdocumentation papers issued by the United States Coast Guard or any federalagency successor thereto.
(8) "Homemade vessel" means any vessel built after October31, 1972 for which a federal identification number is not required to beassigned to it by the manufacturer pursuant to federal law, or any vesselconstructed or assembled prior to November 1, 1972, by other than a licensedmanufacturer for his or her own use or the use of a specific person. In noevent shall a rebuilt or reconstructed vessel be construed to be a homemadevessel.
(9) "Lien holder" means a person holding a security interest.
(10) "Manufactured vessel" means any vessel built afterOctober 31, 1972, for which a federal identification number is requiredpursuant to federal law, or any vessel constructed or assembled prior toNovember 1, 1972, by a duly licensed manufacturer.
(11) "Manufacturer" means any person engaged in the businessof manufacturing or importing new and unused vessels for the purpose of salesor trade.
(12) "Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, (M.S.O.)" means theoriginal written instrument or document required to be executed and deliveredby the manufacturer to his or her agent or a dealer, or a person purchasing avessel directly from the manufacturer, certifying the origin of the vessel orhull.
(13) "Master Carpenter's Certificate, (M.C.C.)" means thecertificate issued by a carpenter who builds wooden vessels for sale or resale.
(14) "Operating" means to navigate or otherwise use a vessel.
(15) "Operator" means the person who operates or has chargeof the navigation or use of a vessel.
(16) "Owner" means a person, other than a lienholder, havinga property interest in or title to a vessel. The term includes a personentitled to use or have possession of a vessel subject to an interest inanother person, reserved, or created by agreement and securing payment orperformance of an obligation, but it does not include a lessee under a leasenot intended as security.
(17) "Proceeds" means and includes whatever is received whencollateral or proceeds is sold, exchanged, collected, or otherwise disposed of.The term also includes the account arising when the right to payment is earnedunder a contract right. Money, checks, and the like are cash "proceeds". Allother proceeds are "noncash proceeds".
(18) "Security interest" means an interest which is reservedor created by an agreement which secures payment or performance of anobligation, and is valid against third parties generally.
(19) "Ship's lifeboat" means a lifeboat used solely forlifesaving purposes. This term does not include dinghies, tenders, speedboats,or other types of craft, whether or not carried aboard a vessel, where thedinghies, tenders, speedboats, or other types of craft are not used solely forlifesaving purposes.
(20) "State" means the state of Rhode Island.
(21) "State of principal use" means the state on whose watersa vessel is used or to be used most during a calendar year.
(22) "Use" means to operate, navigate, or employ a vessel. Avessel is in use whenever it is upon the water.
(23) "Vessel" means every description of watercraft, otherthan a seaplane, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation onwater.
(24) "Waters of the state" means any water within thejurisdiction of the state, the marginal sea adjacent to the state, and the highseas when navigated as part of a ride or journey to or from the shore of thestate.
(25) "Z Hull identification number" means a hullidentification number which is assigned to a homemade vessel by the departmentof environmental management. The number shall consist of twelve (12) characterswith the first three (3) characters being the letters "R.I.Z." , which willidentify the hull number as being issued by the state of Rhode Island.