§ 46-22.1-18 - Offenses relating to this chapter – Penalties.

SECTION 46-22.1-18

   § 46-22.1-18  Offenses relating to thischapter – Penalties. – (a) No person shall operate a vessel on the waters of this state for which acertificate of title is required, without having the certificate of title.

   (b) No person shall fail to surrender or otherwise dispose ofa vessel for which a certificate of title is required without delivering to thepurchaser or transferee a certificate of title, or a manufacturer's orimporter's statement of origin, or master carpenter's certificate as requiredby this chapter.

   (c) No person shall fail to surrender to the department anycertificate of title upon cancellation of the certificate of title by thedepartment for any valid reason set forth in this chapter or regulationsadopted pursuant thereto.

   (d) No person shall steal, mutilate, destroy, alter, forge,counterfeit, or falsify any certificate of title or a manufacturer's statementof origin or importer's or master carpenter's certificate to a vessel.

   (e) No person shall alter or falsify any assignment of acertificate of title, or an assignment or cancellation of a security intereston a certificate of title to a vessel.

   (f) No person shall hold or use a certificate of title to avessel nor hold assignment or cancellation of a security interest on acertificate of title to a vessel knowing the certificate of title to have beenstolen, mutilated, destroyed, altered, forged, counterfeit, or falsified.

   (g) No person shall use a false or fictitious name oraddress, or make any material false statement, or conceal any material fact inan application for a certificate of title, or in a bill of sale or swornstatement.

   (h) No person shall procure or attempt to procure acertificate of title to a vessel, or pass or attempt to pass a certificate oftitle or any assignment thereof to a vessel knowing or having knowledge orhaving reason to believe that the vessel has been stolen.

   (i) No person shall have possession of, buy, receive, sell,or offer for sale, or otherwise dispose of a vessel on which the manufacturer'sor assigned hull identification number has been removed, destroyed, covered,altered, or defaced, knowing of the destruction, removal, covering, alterationor defacement.

   (j) No person shall destroy, remove, cover, alter or defacethe manufacturer's or assigned hull identification number on any vessel.

   (k) No person shall possess, buy, sell, exchange or give awaythe certificate of title to a vessel which is abandoned, junked, salvaged, ordestroyed.

   (l) Any person who applies for a certificate of title for ahomemade vessel, and who is assigned a state assigned hull identificationnumber to the vessel shall permanently affix the number in accordance with thischapter and/or regulations under the federal Boat Safety Act of 1971, 46 U.S.C.§ 1451 et seq. Failure of the vessel owner to affix the state assignedhull number to his or her vessel shall be a violation of this chapter.

   (m) Penalties. Any person convicted of violating anyprovision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to afine of up to five hundred dollars ($500), and/or a sentence of one yearimprisonment, or both.