§ 46-20-3 - Determination of best method of drainage Apportionment of damages Action by council.
SECTION 46-20-3
§ 46-20-3 Determination of best method ofdrainage Apportionment of damages Action by council. If the town council, after hearing the parties in interest, shall deem itadvisable, they shall appoint three (3) judicious and disinterested persons whoshall prescribe the best mode of draining the land or lands and shall apportionthe damages and benefits between the parties in interest, and shall make areport in writing of their doings to the council, and the council shall appointa day for hearing the parties interested, and, after notice as provided in§ 46-20-2, shall consider the report, and accept or reject the report inwhole or in part, as justice shall require, and the council may make suchorders thereon as they shall deem lawful and right.