§ 46-2-12 - Acquisition of land for flood control projects authorized.
SECTION 46-2-12
§ 46-2-12 Acquisition of land for floodcontrol projects authorized. Whenever the council of any city, or the electors of any town qualified to voteupon any proposition for the imposition of taxes or for the expenditure ofmoney, shall have voted at a meeting duly called for that purpose to cooperatewith the state and the federal government in any flood control project in thecity or town, the city or town may acquire by gift, purchase, or by eminentdomain proceedings as provided in §§ 46-2-12 46-2-26, land orother real property or any interest, estate, or right therein as is necessaryor advantageous to the establishment, acquisition, construction, development,betterment, or maintenance of the project and from time to time to relocate andconstruct highways, roads, and streets, including bridges and approaches andother structures, and including water pipes, petroleum pipes, gas pipes, sewersand sewer lines, communication and power lines, railroad tracks and bridges,and other structures, tailraces, raceway conduits, and extensions andconnections, incidental thereto, and for the construction or reconstruction ofdams and pumping stations, both publicly and privately owned.