§ 46-17.3-2 - Purpose.
SECTION 46-17.3-2
§ 46-17.3-2 Purpose. (a) The purpose of this chapter is to commence the process of developing aballast water management program in Rhode Island by:
(1) Calling upon the department of environmental managementto investigate and evaluate all relevant state, federal and international lawsand policies relating to invasive species management generally and ballastwater management specifically; and
(2) Directing the department of environmental management toreport to the general assembly no later than January 15, 2002, regarding theresults of the investigation, along with recommended options for establishing aballast water management program in Rhode Island.
(b) In carrying out the purposes of this chapter, thedepartment of environmental management shall coordinate with all relevantagencies and organizations, including but not limited to: the InternationalMaritime Organization, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency, the National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Administration, the U.S.Department of Interior, the Rhode Island coastal resources management council,the Rhode Island economic development corporation, the University of RhodeIsland, commercial shipping interests and environmental organizations.