§ 46-15-7 - Authority to enter upon lands and waters for purpose of survey.
SECTION 46-15-7
§ 46-15-7 Authority to enter upon landsand waters for purpose of survey. The water resources board, its assistants, consultants, employees,subordinates, engineers, surveyors, or other agents or servants, upon givingdue notice of intent and purpose, without being liable for trespass, shall havethe right, with the consent of the landowner, to enter in, over, and onto anylands or waters in the state along with the equipment and devices as may benecessary and appurtenant for the conducting of examinations, investigations,appraisals, surveys, or other studies and for the making of test pits, pumpingtests, borings, and other forms of geologic investigations; provided, however,that in the event the landowner refuses to consent to the entry, the waterresources board may petition the superior court for the county in which thelands and waters are located for such authorization which shall be granted upona showing by the water resources board that the entry is necessary for theimplementation of the plans and programs of the board. The petition shall begranted priority on the miscellaneous court calendar. Any landowner whoseproperty is damaged by virtue of the authorization granted herein shall haveall of the rights, and shall be subject to all of the limitations, set forth inchapter 31 of title 9.