§ 46-15.8-5 - Duties of state agencies.

SECTION 46-15.8-5

   § 46-15.8-5  Duties of state agencies.– In order to accomplish the purposes of this chapter:

   (1) The water resources board shall establish and maintain nolater than July 31, 2010 targets for non-agricultural demand management andwater use, and for non-billed water which shall include the goal of reducingleakage to no more than ten percent (10%) of water supplies in public watersupplies subject to the provisions of section 46-15.3-5.1;

   (2) The statewide planning program shall incorporate, by July1, 2011, such amendments as may be necessary into state guide plan elements torequire:

   (i) The use of water availability estimates developed by thewater resources board and the department of environmental management and otherrelevant information sources in local comprehensive plan elements and thereview of major land development and subdivision reviews;

   (ii) The incorporation of the executive summaries of thewater supply system management plans, as appropriate, into the services andfacilities element and the land use element of local comprehensive plans;

   (3) The public utilities commission shall assure, inaccordance with provisions of chapter 39-15.1, that the rates of watersuppliers subject to its jurisdiction are adequate to implement capitalimprovement plans, water supply system management plans, and demand managementplans and to cover system costs when revenues decline as a result of decreaseddemand.

   (4) State agencies need to become advocates for positivesolutions by removing overlapping and burdensome planning and regulatoryrequirements.