§ 46-15.8-4 - Duties of water suppliers.
SECTION 46-15.8-4
§ 46-15.8-4 Duties of water suppliers. All public drinking water supply systems that are subject to the requirementsof section 46-15.3-5.1 shall have a duty:
(1) To manage demand to assure the long-term viability ofwater resources and water supply, to provide for strategic, prudent, reasonableand necessary use of water supplies, to control and/or curtail water use duringperiods of diminished water supply availability including droughts; to takesuch actions as may be necessary to achieve compliance by wholesale and retailcustomers with requirements for demand management; and
(2) To maintain fiscal integrity and adequate capacity byestablishing and maintaining such revenue stabilization funds, operatingreserves, debt service reserves, and infrastructure replacement and capitalimprovement program funds as are necessary; and to institute by December 31,2013 billing at least as frequently as quarterly.