§ 46-15.3-7.6 - Expeditious review of water supply system management plans.
SECTION 46-15.3-7.6
§ 46-15.3-7.6 Expeditious review of watersupply system management plans. (a) The water resources board shall coordinate the expeditious review of watersupply system management plans, replacements and amendments thereto prepared bywater suppliers and all other subject to § 46-15.3-5.1 of this chapter.
(b) Upon filing of water supply system management plans,replacements and amendments thereto prepared by water suppliers under thischapter the department of environmental management, the department of health,the division of planning of the department of administration, and the divisionof public utilities and carriers, shall have ninety (90) days to review saidfilings and submit comments thereon to the water resources board.
(c) Upon consideration of written comments by all agenciesdesignated herein the water resources board shall determine whether the plancomplies with the requirements of this chapter. Should any reviewing agencyfind that substantive deficiencies prevent the water supply system managementplan from meeting the requirements of this chapter, a determination ofnoncompliance shall be made by the water resources board. This determination,unless otherwise extended pursuant to this chapter, shall be made within onehundred eighty (180) days of the initial submission. A thirty (30) day publiccomment period shall be included in this one hundred eighty (180) day reviewperiod. Failure by the water resources board to notify the water supplier ormunicipality of its determination within said time limit shall constituteapproval.
(d) Should the water resources board find that the watersupply system management plan is in noncompliance, or deficient due toincorrect, inconsistent or missing data or information but is in substantialcompliance with the objectives of this chapter, the water resources board shallissue a first notice of deficiencies. The water supplier or municipality shallhave one hundred and twenty (120) days within which to correct the deficienciesand resubmit its filing addressing the comments of the water resources board.Thereafter the water resources board shall have ninety (90) days from the dateof the resubmission to determine whether or not the new submission is incompliance with this chapter. Failure by the water resources board to notifythe water supplier of its determination, in writing within ninety (90) days ofthe date of resubmission shall constitute acknowledgement of compliance.
(e) Upon the submission of plans or plan amendments prior tothe scheduled submittal date, as established by the water resources board, thescheduled submittal date may be used for purposes of initiating the one hundredeighty (180) day review period. The time period for review of water supplysystem management plans, replacements, or amendments thereto submitted afterthe scheduled submittal date, shall be as determined by the water resourcesboard.