§ 46-15.3-7.5 - Completion and filing of water supply system management plans.
SECTION 46-15.3-7.5
§ 46-15.3-7.5 Completion and filing ofwater supply system management plans. (a) Each party required by this chapter to prepare and maintain a water supplysystem management plan shall complete and adopt an initial plan adhering to theschedule as previously approved by the water resources board.
(b) Municipalities and water suppliers subject to therequirements of § 46-15.3-5.1 of this chapter shall file a copy of allplans and amendments thereto with the water resources board. The plans shall betreated as confidential documents.
(c) The water resources board shall establish procedures thatpermit parties that review the plans under rules adopted by the water resourcesboard to obtain sensitive information essential to performance of theirreviews, including minimum measures necessary to transmit, use, store, andmaintain such sensitive information under conditions that insure its securityto the maximum possible. These procedures may include designation of thosepersons within each reviewing agency authorized to use or inspect sensitiveinformation, and exclusion of all others. An executive summary containing an:
(1) Introduction;
(2) Background;
(3) A general system description containing:
(i) Water supply sources;
(ii) Water treatment facilities;
(iii) Storage facilities;
(iv) Pumping stations;
(v) Raw water and finished water transmission facilities;
(vi) Distribution facilities including low to high service;
(vii) Planned extensions;
(viii) Interconnections;
(ix) Populations served and projections;
(x) Major users;
(xi) Metering;
(xii) Legal agreements;
(xiii) Leakage;
(xiv) Demand management;
(xv) Supply management;
(xvi) Available water;
(xvii) Safe yield;
(xviii) Anticipated future demands;
(xix) Capital improvement;
(xx) Rate structure;
(xxi) Financial management;
(xxii) Emergency management;
(xxiii) Water supply source protection; and
(xxiv) General policies shall be developed.
(4) This summary shall be distributed as the public document.The water resources board shall be authorized to recover and secure watersupply management plans and water supply system management plans previouslydistributed to other than water resources board and designated review agenciesand replaced by executive summaries as provided herein.
(d) Municipalities and water suppliers subject to §46-15.3-5.1 shall review their plans at least once every five (5) years, andshall amend or replace their plan as may be necessary to remain current.
(e) A municipality or water supplier subject to §46-15.3-5.1 of this chapter may request, in writing, that the water resourcesboard extend the time in which to complete and submit filings required by thischapter, not to exceed one year. A request shall be approved only upondemonstration that an extension is justified by extraordinary circumstancesbeyond the control of the municipality or water supplier. An extension, ifapproved, shall not waive any of the requirements of § 46-15.3-7.6. Thisprovision does not apply to the section on emergency management. Should amunicipality or water supplier fail to submit a filing as provided herein, adetermination of non-compliance shall be made by the water resources board.