§ 46-15.3-5.1 - Water supply systems management plans.
SECTION 46-15.3-5.1
§ 46-15.3-5.1 Water supply systemsmanagement plans. (a) All parties involved in the supply, transmission, and/or distribution ofdrinking water shall prepare, maintain, and carry out a water supply systemmanagement plan as described by this chapter. This requirement applies, withoutlimitations, to:
(1) All municipalities subject to chapter 22.2 of title 45,the Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Regulation Act. The executive summaryof the water supply system management plan including the demand managementgoals and plans for water conservation and efficient use of water, of any watersupplier providing service in any municipality, shall be incorporated in theservices and facilities element of the plan for that municipality required bysubdivision 45-22.2-6(6);
(2) All municipalities, municipal departments and agencies,districts, authorities or other entities engaged in or authorized to engage inthe supply, treatment, transmission, or distribution of drinking water on awholesale or retail basis, referred to herein as "water suppliers" , whichobtain, transport, purchase, or sell more than fifty million (50,000,000)gallons of water per year.
(b) A water supply system management plan shall be preparedin the format, and shall address each of the topics, listed in this section, tothe extent that each is relevant to the municipality or water supplier, thewater source(s), the water system(s), and the area served or eligible to beserved. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, water supplymanagement plans shall be in conformity with all applicable provisions of theFederal Safe Drinking Water Act [42 U.S.C. § 300f et seq.],chapter 13 of this title, Public Drinking Water Supply, and chapter 14 of thistitle, Contamination of Drinking Water, as administered by the department ofhealth. Any other topic of interest may be included.
(c) A water supply system management plan shall include,without limitation, the following components:
(1) The water supply management component of the water supplysystem management plan shall include, without limitation:
(i) A statement of the goals that the plan is designed toachieve, including, but not limited to, goals for:
(A) Water resource protection;
(B) Demand management, which shall include goals asappropriate for managing peak and seasonal use of water; and
(C) Supply development as necessary and with consideration ofsource water availability; and
(D) System management, including system safety andreliability, infrastructure maintenance, repair, and reduction of leakage.
(ii) A description of the water system(s) covered, includingsources of water, the service area, present and anticipated future users, andother important characteristics;
(iii) Data collection in a form that can be accepted directlyinto the Rhode Island Geographic Information System;
(iv) Demand management measures that will achieve a highlevel of efficiency in the use of a limited resource, through the applicationof metering of one hundred percent (100%) of the water used; sanitary deviceretrofit; performance of and compliance with water use audits for majorindustrial, commercial, institutional, governmental, agricultural and otheroutdoor water users; education and information; and use of appropriate fees,rates, and charges to influence use demand management measures shall includesuch restrictions on use; as may be necessary to meet or exceed targets forwater use, including seasonal use, that are established by the waterresources board; and the water resources board is hereby expressly directedand authorized to establish and maintain no later than July 31, 2010 by ruletargets for water use and methods for achieving the targets, which shall asappropriate take into account differing conditions among watershed and watersupply areas;
(v) System management measures to insure that the followingelements are optimally operated and maintained, including: leak detection andrepair; meter installation and replacement; and frequency of reading meters.Maintenance or reduction of leakage to stated goals shall be considered anessential component of system management;
(vi) Supply management measures to insure present and futureavailability of drinking water in adequate quantity and quality, includingprotection of the capacity and quality of drinking water sources; retainingwater sources for standby or future use that are or can be improved to drinkingwater quality; reactivation of any water sources not in use; interconnection ofsystems for ongoing, standby, or emergency use; supply augmentation;
(vii) Emergency management, including risk assessment;responses to temporary or permanent loss of supplies due to natural or manmadecauses; extraordinary treatment processes; interruptions in the deliverysystem; and contamination of water sources or delivery systems;
(viii) The water supply system management plans of watersuppliers shall document that coordination has been accomplished with thoseplans of other suppliers in the vicinity and with operators of wastewatertreatment and disposal facilities serving all or part of the same area or thata good faith effort to do so has been made. Plans shall be consistent withapplicable local comprehensive plans and shall be integrated into the watersupply plans of the municipality or municipalities in which the service area isor is planned to be located. Conversely, the local comprehensive plans shallbe consistent with water supply plans;
(ix) Water supply system management plans shall designate theperson or organization responsible for taking each action, others who mustparticipate, and the time period in which each action is to be taken. Thecapital, operating, and maintenance cost (if any) of each action shall beestimated and the anticipated source of funds shall be identified;
(x) Water suppliers subject to this chapter shall utilizemethods to implement management measures necessary to achieve the findings,intent, and objectives of this chapter. The water supplier may be required todocument the validity or effectiveness of any management measure,implementation method, or other provision or action included in its plan.
(2) The water quality protection component of the watersupply system management plan shall include, without limitations, those itemsenumerated in § 46-15.3-7.
(3) The leak detection and repair component of the watersupply system management plan shall include, without limitation:
(i) Methodology for leak detection;
(ii) Detailed program for the conducting of required repairsto the water supply system;
(iii) Impact assessment studies on the ability of thesupplier to provide for peak demand services;
(iv) A priority list of actions for implementing thesemanagement measures;
(v) Every supplier of public water encompassed under thissection shall conduct periodic leak detection consistent with stated goals forleakage, however no less frequently than once every ten (10) years.