§ 46-15.3-23 - Sanitary device retrofitting.
SECTION 46-15.3-23
§ 46-15.3-23 Sanitary device retrofitting. (a) Water supply system management shall include retrofitting existing waterusers not in conformance with the state plumbing code standards for new orreplacement sanitary devices with water-saving plumbing equipment, including,but not limited to, low-flow faucet aerators and shower heads, toiletdisplacement equipment, and materials for toilet tank leak detection.
(b) A water utility may act as a central purchaser andsupplier of water efficiency devices which comply with state plumbing codes andmay enter into cooperative agreements with other water suppliers or otheragencies to facilitate bulk purchases of water efficiency devices required toimplement, approved retrofit plans. A retrofitting program shall include,without limitation:
(1) Annual notification to each residential class user of theobjectives and accomplishments of the retrofit program and of the availabilityof water-saving plumbing devices at cost or at no direct cost;
(2) Installation of water saving plumbing equipment forresidential class users by the water supplier at cost or at no direct cost asscheduled in the water supply system management plan;
(3) Technical assistance and water audits to formulate andimplement retrofit programs for major multiple unit housing areas ordevelopments and commercial and industrial users. Water suppliers may enterinto cooperative agreements with the owners or management of such users for thepreparation of specifications, bulk purchase, and installation of sanitarydevice retrofit equipment for the purpose of implementing retrofit programs.