§ 46-15.3-2 - Designation of water resources board Selection of treasurer.
SECTION 46-15.3-2
§ 46-15.3-2 Designation of water resourcesboard Selection of treasurer. (a) Except as specified in § 46-15.3-9, the water resources board isdesignated to carry out the provisions of this chapter in its capacity asdesignated in § 46-15.1-2. In exercising its powers under this chapter,the board shall constitute a body politic and corporate and a publicinstrumentality of the state having a distinct legal existence from the stateand not constituting a department of the state government, but this shall notaffect the status of the board when exercising other powers. The board may takeaction under this chapter at any meeting of the board. A member of the boardwho is affiliated with a public water system in Rhode Island as provided in§ 46-15-2 shall not thereby be disqualified from acting as a member of theboard on a transaction under this chapter with the public water system.
(b) The treasurer, chosen pursuant to § 46-15.1-2, shallact as such under this chapter. If a treasurer has not been chosen by the boardpursuant to § 46-15.1-2, the board shall at any time, and annually in themonth of March thereafter, choose a treasurer to act as such under thischapter. The treasurer need not be a member of the board or of its staff andshall serve until his or her successor is chosen and taken office, unlesssooner removed by the board with or without cause. In the event of a vacancy inthe office of treasurer, the board shall fill the vacancy for the unexpiredterm.