§ 46-15.2-4 - Water facilities assistance program established – Eligibility.

SECTION 46-15.2-4

   § 46-15.2-4  Water facilities assistanceprogram established – Eligibility. – (a) There is hereby established in the water resources board a Rhode Islandwater facilities assistance program. The board shall administer this program soas to ensure the proper and systematic development of coordinated water supplyand transmission facilities and shall expend the funds available under thischapter in a manner that accomplishes this objective.

   (b) This program shall provide twenty-five percent (25%) ofthe cost of approved water transmission facilities designed and constructed toserve a single water system, and shall provide fifty percent (50%) of the costof approved intersystem facilities. Only the construction of water transmissionand intersystem facilities and the acquisition of land or rights-of-way,together with necessary engineering and design, are eligible for assistanceunder this program. Costs of borrowing, amortization costs, legal, and allother costs attendant to the funding of water transmission and intersystemfacilities are not eligible for financial assistance under this program andmust be fully borne by the project applicant. The cost of distributionfacilities as defined in this chapter are not eligible for financial assistanceunder this program. Determinations of project eligibility shall be made by thewater resources board.

   (c) Only municipalities and quasi municipal water agenciesare eligible to apply for assistance under this program. Determinations ofapplicant eligibility shall be made by the water resources board.

   (d) Only projects reviewed and approved by the waterresources board, the division of public utilities and carriers, and the stateplanning council may be funded. Each project supported by this program must beconsistent with a plan adopted and kept current by the water resources board inaccordance with § 46-15-6 and with applicable elements of the state guideplan, as adopted and kept current by the state planning council in accordancewith § 42-11-10(c); provided, however, that with respect to any projectwhich has been approved by the board and which thereafter becomes eligible toparticipate as an intersystem facilities project, the submission to, andapproval by, the public utilities commission and statewide planning councilshall not be required.

   (e) Each transmission facility supported by this program mustlink a water source with a water distribution system, both of which arecomplete and operational or will be so at the time that the transmissionfacility is completed or is projected for future construction. The capacity ofboth the water source and the distribution system must be adequate to meetpresent and future needs, considering all other demands that may be placed onthe same sources and distribution systems. All determinations required underthis subsection shall be made in a timely fashion by the water resources board.

   (f) The quality of water to be conveyed through the proposedtransmission system must meet the Rhode Island department of healthrequirements for the most restrictive current or planned use. All reasonablemeasures to assure that this level of water quality will be maintained musthave been taken.

   (g) The design and construction of an approved transmissionfacility must ensure that it will remain operational for its design life withroutine maintenance, and that it will resist all external and internal forcesthat can be reasonably anticipated as determined by the water resources board.

   (h) The water resources board will ensure that maintenance ofthe transmission facility is performed in a manner that ensures that it willremain operational throughout its design life and is assured by a dedicatedrevenue such as a user fee or some other equally reliable means.