§ 46-15.1-1 - Legislative declaration Water resources board (corporate) Applicable sections.
SECTION 46-15.1-1
§ 46-15.1-1 Legislative declaration Water resources board (corporate) Applicable sections. The findings and declarations made by § 46-15-1 are hereby made applicableto this chapter.
The water resources board (corporate) under this chapterconstitutes a body politic and corporate and a public instrumentality of thestate having a distinct legal existence from the state and not constituting adepartment of state government.
The following sections also apply to the water resourcesboard, the state agency: §§ 46-15.1-2(a), 46-15.1-2.2, 46-15.2-3,46-15.1-2.4, 46-15.1-4.1, 46-15.1-5(15) (25), 46-15.1-20 and 46-15.1-21.