§ 46-14-3 - Service of notice.
SECTION 46-14-3
§ 46-14-3 Service of notice. The notice shall be in writing, signed by the director of health or the personperforming the duties of that official, and shall be served by any sheriff,deputy sheriff, or constable by reading the notice in the presence or hearingof the owner, occupant, or his or her authorized agent, or by leaving a copy ofthe notice in the hands or possession of, or at the last and usual place ofabode of, the owner, occupant, or agent if within this state; provided,however, that if the owner, occupant, or agent is a corporation incorporated inthis state, the notice shall be served by leaving a copy thereof at the lastand usual place of abode of the president or person performing the duties ofpresident of the corporation. But if the premises are unoccupied, or theresidence of the owner is unknown or without this state, or if the owner is acorporation incorporated without this state, the notice may be served byposting a copy of the notice on the premises and by advertising the notice insome newspaper published in Providence County in such manner and for suchlength of time as the director of health may determine.