§ 46-13-21 - Advisory council.
SECTION 46-13-21
§ 46-13-21 Advisory council. (a) There is hereby created an advisory council, to be known as the publicdrinking water supply advisory council, and whose purpose it shall be to advisethe director and public drinking water suppliers concerning fees and theimplementation of the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The council shall be composed of seven (7) members.
(1) Two (2) members shall be members of the house ofrepresentatives appointed by the speaker, not more than one from the samepolitical party;
(2) One member of the senate appointed by the president ofthe senate;
(3) one member to be the director, or his or her designee;
(4) One officer of a community public drinking water supplierappointed by the governor;
(5) One officer of a nontransient noncommunity public watersupplier appointed by the governor; and
(6) One member of the general public, to be appointed by thegovernor.
(c) The legislative members of the council shall serve for aterm of two (2) years. Each member may be reappointed for two (2) additionalterms.
(d) The member of the general public, appointed by thegovernor, shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and may bereappointed for one additional term.
(e) The members, appointed by the governor, who are officersof a public drinking water supplier, shall be appointed for a one year term,and may be reappointed for three (3) additional terms.
(f) The director, or his or her designee, shall serve uponthe council without removal.
(g) On the third Monday in July after the enactment of thischapter, the members of the council shall meet at the call of the speaker ofthe house and organize. The speaker shall appoint a chairperson from among thelegislative members. The vice chairperson shall be elected by the membership ofthe council.