§ 46-13.1-3 - Definitions.
SECTION 46-13.1-3
§ 46-13.1-3 Definitions. The following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them inthis section, unless the context shall indicate another or different meaning orintent:
(1) "Aquifer" means a geologic formation, group offormations, or part of a formation capable of yielding a significant amount ofgroundwater to wells, springs, or surface water.
(2) "Bedrock" means the solid rock, commonly called "ledge,"that forms the earth's crust.
(3) "Contaminant" means any physical, chemical, biological,or radiological substance or matter in water which impairs its intended orfeasible use.
(4) "Degradation" means a deterioration or a decline inambient water quality.
(5) "Director" means the director of the state department ofenvironmental management.
(6) "Groundwater" means water found underground whichcompletely fills the open spaces between particles of sand, gravel, clay, silt,and consolidated rock fractures. The zone of materials filled with groundwateris called the "zone of saturation".
(7) "Groundwater recharge" means the processes of addition ofwater to the zone of saturation, that zone beneath the water table.
(8) "Maximum contaminant level" means the maximum permissiblelevel of a contaminant present in the water determined at a point of entry intothe distribution system and at any point in the distribution system.
(9) "Nondegradation" means maintenance of ambient waterquality.
(10) "Preventive action limit" means a specified percentageof a maximum contaminant level.
(11) "Recharge area" means an area in which water is absorbedthat eventually reaches the zone of saturation.
(12) "Residence time" means the length of time a given unitvolume of water (including any contaminant in that water) is present in ahydrologic system.
(13) "Special protection area" means a designation whichwould delineate a recharge area within a groundwater reservoir which isparticularly critical for the maintenance of large volumes of high qualitygroundwater for long periods of time.
(14) "Toxic pollutant" means a water contaminant orcombination of water contaminants in concentration(s) which, upon exposure,ingestion, or assimilation, either directly from the environment or indirectlythrough food chains, will unreasonably threaten to injure human health, or thehealth of animals or plants which are commonly hatched, bred, cultivated, orprotected for use by persons for food or economic benefit.
(15) "Water quality criteria" means a designatedconcentration of a constituent that, when not exceeded, will protect anorganism, an organism community, or a prescribed water use or quality.
(16) "Water table" means the upper surface of groundwater inthe saturated zone of an aquifer system. The level of the water tablefluctuates with varying rates of recharge and pumpage.
(17) "Wellhead protection area" means the surface andsubsurface area surrounding a public well or wellfield through which water willmove toward and reach that well or wellfield.