§ 46-12-24.2 - Rhode Island Clean Water Act environmental trust fund.
SECTION 46-12-24.2
§ 46-12-24.2 Rhode Island Clean Water Actenvironmental trust fund. (a) Findings. (1) Protecting the ground and surface water ofthe state from pollution is vital to the health and general welfare of thecitizens of the state;
(2) Construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance of modernand efficient waste water treatment systems and facilities is essential toprotecting and improving the state's water quality and to the state'sdevelopment;
(3) Significant nonpoint sources of pollution andcombinations of sewerage and storm water runoff collection systems exist in thestate and contribute to pollution;
(4) Certain areas of the state continue to be served byseptic systems even though those areas should be served by interceptors tocarry pollutants to waste water treatment facilities;
(5) Federal funds available to the state in the form ofgrants pursuant to the federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.,are currently inadequate to permit Rhode Island governmental entities toachieve secondary treatment within a five (5) year period, and the anticipatedreduction in federal funds available to the state and its governmental unitsmay make it difficult to achieve the goal of improvement to the state's waterquality;
(6) A fund should be established to provide sufficientcontinuing financial resources so that the state may achieve its water qualitygoals by providing for loans and grants to governmental entities and others.
(b) Creation of fund. There is hereby created theRhode Island Clean Water Act environmental trust fund (hereinafter referred toas "the fund" or "the Trust Fund") into which shall be deposited with thegeneral treasurer of the state of Rhode Island:
(1) Proceeds from the sale of bonds and notes, including anypremiums and accrued interest, issued under or advances pursuant to, articleIII of the Public Laws 1987, chapter 289;
(2) State appropriations;
(3) Repayment of loans from entities which have beenqualified to receive loans by the director;
(4) Federal grants and loans; and
(5) Unless otherwise specified by the director, all othermoney, including gifts, bequests, administrative, and civil and criminalpenalties received in connection with the enforcement of this chapter, or otherfunds from any public or private sources which money are intended to improvewater quality.
(c) Use of fund; purposes. All money in the fund shallbe expended in accordance with the general laws of the state of Rhode Island,and are hereby specifically restricted to providing grants and loans, andrequired state share or related expenses for the Narragansett Bay study,consistent with the provisions of this chapter and with the provisions of theClean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq., as it may be amended from timeto time. Proceeds from the sale of bonds and notes deposited into the fundshall be expended in accordance with the proposition approved by the people.Any proceeds from the sale of bonds or notes approved by the people after 1988,may also be expended for the Narragansett Bay study to develop and implement aconservation and management plan, and by the department of environmentalmanagement to implement a management program for the control of water pollutionfrom nonpoint sources, including all necessary administrative costs. Withrespect to the fund, the state controller is authorized and directed to drawhis or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment out of the fund ofsuch sum or sums as may be required from time to time upon receipt by him orher of properly authenticated vouchers approved by the director (as hereinafterdefined) or his or her delegate. Expenses of issue of the bonds and notesissued under article III of Public Laws 1987, chapter 289, may be paid from thefund.
(d) Administration of fund. All money in the fundshall be expended under the direction and supervision of the director and thedirector or the director's delegate, as the case may be, shall be vested withall power and authority necessary and incidental to the purposes of thischapter, and these powers and authorities granted to the director or thedirector's delegate, as the case may be, shall be in addition to and not insubstitution for all other power provided by law.
(e) Investment of money in fund. All money in the fundnot immediately required for payment pursuant to the provisions of this sectionmay be invested by the state investment commission as established by chapter 10of title 35; provided, however, that the securities in which the fund isinvested shall remain part of the fund until exchanged for other securities,and provided, further, that the income from any investments shall remain aspart of the fund, unless prohibited by applicable federal law.
(f) Advances from general fund. The general treasureris authorized from time to time with the approval of the governor and thedirector of the department of administration in anticipation of the receipts offunds enumerated in subsection (b) to advance sums to the fund for the purposesspecified in subsection (c), any funds of the state not specifically held forany particular purposes; provided, however, that any advances made to the fundshall be returned to the general fund forthwith upon receipt by the fund ofmonies to the extent of the advances.
(g) Termination of fund. Upon a finding by thedirector that the fund is no longer needed for its purposes, the fund shall beterminated and shall be audited. Ninety (90) days following the final audit ofthe fund by the state auditor general, the fund shall cease to exist and anyunobligated money in the fund shall be transferred to the state's general fundand shall be applied to the payment of debt service charges of the state.