§ 46-12.8-14 - No additional consent required.
SECTION 46-12.8-14
§ 46-12.8-14 No additional consentrequired. Except as provided in this section, bonds of the agency, local governmentalobligations and obligations of private water companies may be issued under thischapter without obtaining the consent of any executive office, department,division, commission, board, bureau, or agency of the state or any politicalsubdivision thereof, and without any other proceedings or the happening of anycondition, or acts other than those proceedings, conditions, or acts which arespecifically required therefor hereunder or under any applicable bond act, andthe validity of and security for any bonds issued by the agency pursuant tothis chapter, and any local governmental obligations issued in accordanceherewith, shall not be affected by the existence or nonexistence of any consentor other proceedings, conditions, or acts. Nothing in this chapter shall exemptthe agency from the provisions of chapter 10.1 of title 42.