§ 46-12.8-1 - Legislative findings.
SECTION 46-12.8-1
§ 46-12.8-1 Legislative findings. (a) It is hereby found that there exists and will in the future exist withinthe state of Rhode Island the need to construct and reconstruct facilitiesrelated to and acquire watershed protection land in connection with theprovision of safe drinking water throughout the state of Rhode Island.
(b) It is hereby further found that to provide financialassistance for the acquisition, design, planning, construction, enlargement,repair, protection or improvement of public drinking water supplies ortreatment facilities, including any of those actions required under the federalSafe Drinking Water Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C., §§ 300f 300j-9,including the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) amendments of 1996 (Pub. L.104-182) and any amendments thereto, it is necessary to establish a revolvingloan fund program to provide a perpetual source of low cost financing forsafety drinking water projects.
(c) It is hereby further found that to secure maximum benefitto the state from a safe drinking water revolving loan fund, it is necessary toplace such fund within the jurisdiction and control of the Rhode Island cleanwater finance agency, which agency presently runs the state's revolving fundwith respect to the state's wastewater pollution abatement program, whichagency shall exclusively administer the financing portion of the safe drinkingwater revolving loan fund, but which shall nevertheless work, as necessary,with the department of environmental management, the water resources board, theRhode Island department of health, the division of public utilities andcarriers and any other agency or instrumentality of the state or federalgovernment with responsibility for the development or supervision of watersupply facilities within the state.