§ 46-12.7-5.1 - Purposes of the fund.
SECTION 46-12.7-5.1
§ 46-12.7-5.1 Purposes of the fund. The director may use money from the fund to:
(1) Provide funds to cover promptly the costs of response,containment, and cleanup of oil spills into marine or estuarine waters,including, but not limited to, damage assessment costs, and wildliferehabilitation as defined in this section.
(2) Provide funds to cover the costs of site evaluationactivities. These activities shall include, but not be limited to, sitemapping, installation of wells, collection, monitoring, and analysis of samplesof air, soil, and/or water, and evaluation of the impacts of contamination onmaritime and terrestrial shore line environments, production of the reports,and installation and the maintenance of necessary technology, and equipment forcomplete remedial action;
(3) Provide emergency loans and to cover response and cleanupcosts and other damages suffered by the state or other persons or entities fromoil spills or threatened oil spills;
(4) To pay for claims for damages, which cannot otherwise becompensated by responsible parties or the federal government, pursuant to§ 46-12.7-8.1;
(5) Provide emergency loans to affected workers ineligiblefor unemployment insurance;
(6) Pay for structural improvements to vulnerable coastalfeatures, including the Providence River Shipping Canal, in order to reduce therisk of oil tanker collisions, grounding, and spills;
(7) Pay for the restoration of natural resources damaged byan oil spill, where necessary and appropriate;
(8) Pay for response training and equipment;
(9) Pay for large-scale personnel drills and exercises;
(10) Pay for research, development, and monitoring activitiesas outlined in § 46-12.7-13; and
(11) Pay for the expenditures related to the Rhode Islandcoastal and estuarine habitat restoration trust fund pursuant to chapter 23.1of this title, subject to appropriation.