§ 46-12.5.1-2 - Powers and duties of the director.
SECTION 46-12.5.1-2
§ 46-12.5.1-2 Powers and duties of thedirector. (a) In addition to the other powers granted the director of the department ofenvironmental management, the director shall have and may exercise these powersand duties:
(1) To exercise general supervision of the administration andenforcement of this chapter and all rules and regulations and orderspromulgated hereunder;
(2) To promulgate rules and regulations for thetransportation of oil on the waters and over the land of this state; for theemergency response for the containment, cleanup, and abatement of a dischargeof oil; for the assessment of penalties and recovery of costs and of damages asset forth in this chapter; and for any other procedures necessary for theimplementation of this chapter;
(3) To promulgate rules and regulations for oil dischargecontingency plans. The rules and regulations may at the minimum:
(i) Prohibit the transfer of oil to or from a tank vessel oroil barge without an oil discharge contingency plan that the appropriateauthority has approved;
(ii) Require proof of financial responsibility by the owneror operator of the tank vessel or oil barge; and
(iii) Address catastrophic oil discharges.
(4) To exercise all incidental powers necessary to carry outthe purposes of this chapter;
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to abridge thepowers and duties of the director over water pollution, including the dischargeof oil, as established in this title, or in chapter 17.1 or 35 of title 42, orin title 23.