§ 46-12.3-2 - Strict liability.
SECTION 46-12.3-2
§ 46-12.3-2 Strict liability. The owner, operator, and/or his or her or its agent of any seagoing vessel, asdefined in § 46-9-2, entering the waters or waterways of this state whoshall violate the provisions of chapter 9 or 9.1 of title 46, regarding theobligation of a vessel to have a licensed pilot on board prior to entering anavigable waterway of the state or chapter 12 of title 46, regarding waterpollution or any violation of any permit, rule, regulation, or order issuedpursuant thereto, shall be strictly liable for any injury or damage resultingfrom the violation, including, but not limited to, damage or injury to theenvironment or natural resources of the state, injury to the person, propertydamage, or economic loss to any individual, corporation, partnership, or otherbusiness entity.