§ 46-12.2-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 46-12.2-2
§ 46-12.2-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, thefollowing words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Agency" means the Rhode Island clean water financeagency;
(2) "Approved project" means any project or portion thereofthat has been issued a certificate of approval by the department for financialassistance from the agency;
(3) "Board" means board of directors of the agency;
(4) "Bond act" means any general or special law authorizing alocal governmental unit to incur indebtedness for all or any part of the costof projects coming within the scope of a water pollution abatement project,including but not limited to § 45-12-2;
(5) "Bonds" means bonds, notes, or other evidence ofindebtedness of the agency;
(6) "Certificate of approval" means the certificate ofapproval contemplated by § 46-12.2-8;
(7) "Chief executive officer" means the mayor in any city,the president of the town council in any town, and the executive director ofany authority or commission, unless some other officer or body is designated toperform the functions of a chief executive officer under any bond act or underthe provisions of a local charter or other law;
(8) "Clean Water Act" or "act" means the Federal WaterPollution Control Act, act of June 30, 1948, ch. 758, as added Oct. 18, 1972,Pub. L. No. 92-500, 86 Stat. 896, as added Dec. 27, 1977, Pub. L. No. 95-217,91 Stat. 1566 (codified at 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq., as amended and ashereafter amended from time to time);
(9) "Cost" as applied to any approved project, means any orall costs, whenever incurred, approved by the agency in accordance with sectioneight of this chapter, of planning, designing, acquiring, constructing, andcarrying out and placing the project in operation, including, without limitingthe generality of the foregoing, amounts for the following: planning, design,acquisition, construction, expansion, improvement and rehabilitation offacilities; acquisition of real or personal property; demolitions andrelocations; labor, materials, machinery and equipment; services of architects,engineers, and environmental and financial experts and other consultants;feasibility studies, plans, specifications, and surveys; interest prior to andduring the carrying out of any project and for a reasonable period thereafter;reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses; costs ofissuance of local governmental obligations issued to finance the obligationsincluding, without limitation, fees, charges, and expenses and costs of theagency relating to the loan evidenced thereby, fees of trustees and otherdepositories, legal and auditing fees, premiums and fees for insurance, lettersor lines of credit or other credit facilities securing local governmentalobligations and other costs, fees, and charges in connection with theforegoing; and working capital, administrative expenses, legal expenses, andother expenses necessary or incidental to the aforesaid, to the financing of aproject and to the issuance therefor of local government obligations under theprovisions of this chapter;
(10) "Department" means the department of environmentalmanagement;
(11) "Financial assistance" means any form of financialassistance other than grants provided by the agency to a local governmentalunit in accordance with this chapter for all or any part of the cost of anapproved project, including, without limitation, temporary and permanent loans,with or without interest, guarantees, insurance, subsidies for the payment ofdebt service on loans, lines of credit, and similar forms of financialassistance; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes ofthe State Revolving Fund Capitalization Grants appropriated pursuant to theAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5), financialassistance shall also include principal forgiveness and negative interest loans;
(12) "Fully marketable form" means a local governmentalobligation in form satisfactory to the agency duly executed and accompanied byan opinion of counsel of recognized standing in the field of municipal lawwhose opinions have been and are accepted by purchasers of like obligations tothe effect that the obligation is a valid and binding obligation of the localgovernmental unit issuing the obligation, enforceable in accordance with itsterms;
(13) "General revenues" , when used with reference to a localgovernmental unit, means revenues, receipts, assessments, and other moneys ofthe local governmental unit received from or on account of the exercise of itspowers and all rights to receive the same, including without limitation:
(i) Taxes,
(ii) Wastewater system revenues,
(iii) Assessments upon or payments received from any otherlocal governmental unit which is a member or service recipient of the localgovernmental unit, whether by law, contract, or otherwise,
(iv) Proceeds of local governmental obligations and loans andgrants received by the local governmental unit in accordance with this chapter,
(v) Investment earnings,
(vi) Reserves for debt service or other capital or currentexpenses,
(vii) Receipts from any tax, excise, or fee heretofore orhereafter imposed by any general or special law all or a part of the receiptsof which are payable or distributable to or for the account of the localgovernmental unit,
(viii) Local aid distributions, and
(ix) Receipts, distributions, reimbursements, and otherassistance received by or for the account of the local governmental unit fromthe United States or any agency, department, or instrumentality thereof;
(14) "Loan" means a loan by the agency to a localgovernmental unit for costs of an approved project, including, withoutlimitation, temporary and permanent loans, and lines of credit;
(15) "Loan agreement" means any agreement entered into by theagency with a local governmental unit pertaining to a loan, other financialassistance, or local governmental obligations including, without limitation, aloan agreement, trust agreement, security agreement, reimbursement agreement,guarantee agreement, or similar instrument;
(16) "Local aid distributions" means receipts, distributions,reimbursements, and other assistance payable by the state to or for the accountof a local governmental unit, except such receipts, distributions,reimbursements, and other assistance restricted by law to specific statutorilydefined purposes;
(17) "Local governmental obligations" means bonds, notes, andother evidences of indebtedness in fully marketable form issued by a localgovernmental unit to evidence a loan from the agency in accordance with thischapter or otherwise as provided herein;
(18) "Local governmental unit" means any town, city,district, commission, agency, authority, board, or other political subdivisionor instrumentality of the state or of any political subdivision thereofresponsible for the ownership or operation of a water pollution abatementproject, including the Narragansett Bay water quality management districtcommission; and, for purposes of dam safety or dam maintenance projects, anyperson seeking financial assistance as a joint applicant with any of the aboveentities;
(19) "Local interest subsidy trust fund" means the localinterest subsidy trust fund established under § 46-12.2-6;
(20) "Person" means any natural or corporate person,including bodies politic and corporate, public departments, offices, agencies,authorities, and political subdivisions of the state, corporations, societies,associations, and partnerships, and subordinate instrumentalities of any one ormore political subdivisions of the state;
(21) "Priority determination system" means the system bywhich water pollution abatement projects are rated on the basis ofenvironmental benefit and other criteria for funding assistance pursuant torules and regulations promulgated by the department as they may be amended fromtime to time;
(22) "Revenues" , when used with reference to the agency,means any receipts, fees, payments, moneys, revenues, or other paymentsreceived or to be received by the agency in the exercise of its corporatepowers under this chapter, including, without limitation, loan repayments,payments on local governmental obligations, grants, aid, appropriations, andother assistance from the state, the United States, or any agency, department,or instrumentality of either or of a political subdivision thereof, bondproceeds, investment earnings, insurance proceeds, amounts in reserves, andother funds and accounts established by or pursuant to this chapter or inconnection with the issuance of bonds, including, without limitation, the waterpollution control revolving fund, the Rhode Island water pollution controlrevolving fund, and the local interest subsidy fund, and any other fees,charges or other income received or receivable by the agency;
(23) "Rhode Island water pollution control revolving fund"means the Rhode Island water pollution control revolving fund establishedpursuant to § 46-12.2-6;
(24) "Trust agreement" means a trust agreement, loanagreement, security agreement, reimbursement agreement, currency or interestrate exchange agreement, or other security instrument, and a resolution, loanorder, or other vote authorizing, securing, or otherwise providing for theissue of bonds, loans, or local governmental obligations;
(25) "Wastewater system revenues" means all rates, rents, feeassessments, charges, and other receipts derived or to be derived by a localgovernmental unit from wastewater collection and treatment facilities and waterpollution abatement projects under its ownership or control, or from theservices provided thereby, including, without limitation, proceeds of grants,gifts, appropriations, and loans, including the proceeds of loans or grantsawarded by the agency or the department in accordance with this chapter,investment earnings, reserves for capital and current expenses, proceeds ofinsurance or condemnation, and the sale or other disposition of property;wastewater system revenues may also include rates, rents, fees, charges, andother receipts derived by the local governmental unit from any water supply ofdistribution facilities or other revenue producing facilities under itsownership or control; wastewater system revenues shall not include any advalorem taxes levied directly by the local governmental unit on any real andpersonal property;
(26) "Water pollution abatement project" or "project" meansany wastewater treatment or conveyance project that contributes to removal,curtailment, or mitigation of pollution of the surface water of the state, andconforms with any applicable comprehensive land use plan which has been adoptedor any dam safety or dam maintenance project; it also means a project toenhance the waters of the state, which the agency has been authorized bystatute to participate in;
(27) "Water pollution control revolving fund" means the waterpollution control revolving fund contemplated by title VI of the Water QualityAct and established under § 46-12.2-6;
(28) "Water Quality Act" means the Water Quality Act of 1987,Pub. L. No. 100-4, 101 Stat. 7, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq., as amended fromtime to time.