§ 46-12.11-4 - Assessment, collection, and deposit of fee.
SECTION 46-12.11-4
§ 46-12.11-4 Assessment, collection, anddeposit of fee. (a) Effective July 1, 2007, a uniform septage disposal fee in the amount of onedollar ($1.00) per every hundred gallons of septage, as defined by the directorpursuant to subsection (d) of this section, shall be imposed on the disposal ofseptage at all disposal facilities in the state.
(b) The fee shall be assessed by the disposal facilityoperator based on the volume of septage delivered by the septage transporter.The septage transporter shall be liable for the fee until it has been paid tothe state, except that payment to the applicable disposal facility issufficient to relieve the septage transporter from further liability for thefee.
(c) The fees collected by the disposal facility operatorshall be remitted four times per year to the state on a schedule prescribed bythe director in regulation. All fees collected pursuant to this chapter shallbe deposited in the Bays, Rivers & Watersheds Fund, established pursuant to§ 46-31-12.1 of the general laws, and shall be dispersed according to thepurposes of that fund.
(d) The director may adopt all necessary rules andregulations necessary for the administration and enforcement of this chapter,including but not limited to, defining the types of septage, e.g., residential,commercial, and industrial that are subject to the fee.