§ 46-10-20 - Arbitration of amounts due director.
SECTION 46-10-20
§ 46-10-20 Arbitration of amounts duedirector. If the director of the department of environmental management and the otherparty shall not agree on the sum so due the director, the case may be submittedto three (3) arbitrators for settlement; one of the arbitrators shall be chosenby the director, one by the other party, and the third by the two (2) alreadyselected; they shall be citizens of the state and, unless objection is raisedby the director or the other party, resident voters of the town of NewShoreham. If objection is made to the selection of inhabitants of that town forthe service in any case, then selection may be made of any three (3) residentvoters in the county of Newport.