§ 46-10-10 - Sale of perishable goods or goods subject to reduction in value Accounting.
SECTION 46-10-10
§ 46-10-10 Sale of perishable goods orgoods subject to reduction in value Accounting. If the shipwrecked goods found be of a perishable nature or be much reduced invalue by keeping, and if no owner or agent or other person interested appear totake the goods, the commissioner shall immediately advertise the goods in oneof the daily newspapers published in the city of Providence, and also byposting notices in the town in which the goods shall be so found, and shallwithin six (6) days sell the goods at public auction to the highest bidder; andthe commissioner shall within twenty (20) days after the sale render a just andtrue account in writing, subscribed by the commissioner to the town treasurer,of all the goods sold by the commissioner.