§ 45-63-2 - Authorization.
SECTION 45-63-2
§ 45-63-2 Authorization. (a) Subject to approval of the Rhode Island department of environmentalmanagement, where required by law or regulation, and where appropriate, to theapproval of such other state and federal agencies having jurisdiction over thesubject matter, the town of Middletown, is authorized and empowered to design,plan, permit, layout and construct, maintain and operate a stormwater controlsystem facility inclusive, but not limited to, pipes, connections, catchbasins, manholes, retention and/or detention basins, water quality ponds,swales, channels, pumps, holding tanks and such other facilities as may bereasonably necessary for the collection, treatment, storage and disposal ofstormwater and for such purposes to take by eminent domain or otherwise acquireany lands, rights-of-way, or easements, public or private in said townnecessary for accomplishing the purposes set forth in this chapter.
(b) The design, permit, layout and construction of saidstormwater control system shall be vested in the town council, subject toapproval of the Rhode Island department of environmental management. Themembers of the town council and their duly authorized agents may enter uponproperty within the town to examine, inspect and survey same whenever necessaryfor the performance of their duties hereunder.