§ 45-58-7 - Compensation of the board Employees of the utility district.
SECTION 45-58-7
§ 45-58-7 Compensation of the board Employees of the utility district. (a) Each member of the board of utility commissioners shall be entitled toreceive compensation of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year forattendance at scheduled and special meetings of the board of utilitycommissioners, and shall be entitled to reimbursement of the actual andnecessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her official duties.The salaries, compensation and expenses of all members and officers of theboard, and all employees and agents of the utility district, shall be paidsolely out of funds of the utility district. No part of the earnings of theutility district shall inure to the benefit of any private person.
(b) The board shall appoint a general manager and may enterinto employment contracts with its executive employees. The board shall havethe authority to approve employee benefit plans, including fringe benefits suchas but not limited to pension and health and disability and other insurances.
(c) No member of the board of utility commissioners shalldirectly or indirectly engage or participate in the proceeds of any contract oragreement to supply anything of value or receive anything of value from theutility district. The prohibition set forth in the subsection may be waived bya vote of five (5) members of the board of utility commissioners, if and onlyif the board of utility commissioners shall have first obtained an opinion ofthe attorney general and/or the Rhode Island ethics commission based on fulldisclosure of all relevant facts that the waiver does not contravene state lawand is otherwise in the best interests of the consumers served by the utilitydistrict.